Hey guys, it's Sunday evening so you know what time it is, it's time for a new show!
Yet another week has flown by and given us loads of news. We actually cover some only in the show, so it's worth a listen for some of the little tit bits that don't make it to the site. We talk a fair bit about home grown stuff this week, but we would never leave the global stuff out.
The other big thing this week is we have a new segment, it really is unique, to me anyway, and I hope you guys enjoy it and find it funny, please please PLEASE let us know what you think as it was a crazy idea that took a lot of work, but we think it paid off!
No competitions or announcements this week, but things are coming together for the next comp and the site will be evolving and changing, oh did you notice me and Marc now have our gamercards up?
It's always hard to talk about a show you have put hours of work into, I guess the only thing left to say is jump in and enjoy.
Bellow is a link dump for more information on the main things (in the order they are talked about) we mention in the show (ed-Wiki is our friend)! So enjoy.
Mass Effect DLC, WGA Strike Ends, Heroes Short Season 2, Simpsons, WGA Contract, eBay Strike, Ultimates 3 No. 3, Ultimatum, Primeval, Doctor Who, Torchwood, Hammer Horror, New Star Wars Clone Wars CGI Cartoon, Live Action Star Wars TV Show, Paul Bettany in Legion, Scott Stuart, Sam Worthington, Avatar, Terminator Salvation: the Future Begins, Tin Tin, Beowulf.
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