

Hey guys.

It's been a bit odd of late.

Me and Marc have been very busy with annoying real life crap, our sound guy has gone AWOL and news has been slow.

What have I been doing other than working?

Well I have read lots of comics, more than I can list now. I am well into Secret Invasion and loving it, I also read number ones of 1985 and Avengers Vs Invaders. Both of which were surprisingly awesome.

When it comes to films, I went to see the new Indy movie, kinda expecting to hate it. I was very surprised to really enjoy myself. It does exactly what it meant to and within it's context it's marvellous. Some amazing cinematography and great, fun, performances. I am sure discussion of this will turn up in another show soon.

Ah, shows. I am sitting on some awesome coverage of the Bristol Comic Con than Marc got. Not through any other motivation than pure laziness. Well, that and I have no time to edit and put it up. But the stuff is timeless and shall appear at some point, I promise.

Me and Marc are desperate to bring another Dork In Your Eye episode out, but it's all about making schedules align, which is hard as hell. Oh and ignoring the massive distraction of Rock Band when he comes over my place to record. Let me tell you that gaming experience is worth EVERY penny. So yeh, I lied a bit when I said we would have audio up weekly. My bad.

Oh and hello to all the new visitors that came by due to the Captain Britain episode. It's nice to see, make sure you come back soon, such as the chaps from CBR and Griff!

So watch this space, things are coming, oh and me, Marc and both our lovely ladies will be at the London Collectormania next month (July), my first ever con! I can't wait.

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