
Transformers 2 written, during the strike.

Michael Bay has always come across as one of those men who will do what it takes to get a job done, be succesful and rule the cinema with high octane action, but at what cost?

This time, to me and probably the writers, he may have gone to far.

"I've been writing Transformers 2," said Bay. "We've got our characters all designed. I always write all my scripts, my movies anyway so at least I've got something to give the writers. It's like a template. We have a really good outline so I worked on that." Bay's excuse is that to meet a summer deadline it had to be done. "We had to because I want to make my date. I'm not going to let the strike take me down."

I am sorry Michael, but that's no excuse. That's what the strike was all about. You might not take the writing credit in the end, this might only be a template or draft, but you were still writing a script for a massive studio movie. I hope he really gets it in the neck for this.

Will this stop me from going to see the film in the cinema though, quite possibly. About the film though, he said the following:

"When you do your first movie, you break the back of it. Now we can have a lot more fun. We can actually make the depth of these characters more fun and a lot more interesting characters. To see actually what you can achieve visually, you never know. When you go into a movie, you never know visually. I think I've got a lot of fun, interesting, funny characters."

Wow, summer 09 is really shaping up to be a busy one, with this down for June in conjunction with other films I have just posted about it looks like I might have to start renting property over my local multi plex.

Thanks for Rotten Tomatoes for the low down!

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